This Wednesday before the strangest Thanksgiving ever, I am giving thanks for so many things. I may not be able to be with much of my family this year but the love is real and there is always zoom. We are all healthy and ready for 2021. Hopefully this next year will bring some sanity to our world because 2020 SUCKED! I hope this finds you all well and preparing for a good Thanksgiving.
I opened my on-line shop on Nov 21 and have been busily shipping and arranging curbside pick ups. I sold out of most cups, almost all bear vases (still one beauty left as I write), many of the candlesticks, my 2020 Sucked Postcards. Thank you all who came and shopped. There are still lots of great pieces available. I will continue to be open until Dec 12 and have put a few new items in the shop today. I hope you visit and find something you love to give or keep.